95 Journal Article Results

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Walter L. Lindenthal
Walter L. Lindenthal
Author: H Kellerman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

Morris Joseph and the Launceston community
Morris Joseph and the Launceston community
Author: L Goldman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

The Sydney Jewish Library 1846
The Sydney Jewish Library 1846
Author: Lieb Falk
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

Three Jewish pioneers of New Zealand
Three Jewish pioneers of New Zealand
Author: David Benjamin
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

The first synagogue in the Southern Hemisphere
The first synagogue in the Southern Hemisphere
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

Obituary: Sir Michael Myers
Obituary: Sir Michael Myers
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

Obituary: Mrs. William L. Cohen
Obituary: Mrs. William L. Cohen
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

Early Zionism in Sydney
Early Zionism in Sydney
Author: Morris Forbes
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 4 (1950)

Genealogy of an Australian Jewish family
Genealogy of an Australian Jewish family
Author: M Rosenbaum
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 4 (1950)

The Jews of Tamworth
The Jews of Tamworth
Author: Israel Porush
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 4 (1950)

Historical societies and The War
Historical societies and The War
Author: Cecil Roth
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 4 (1950)

Obituary: Dr. Arthur Lippmann
Obituary: Dr. Arthur Lippmann
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 4 (1950)

The history of Hobart Jewry
The history of Hobart Jewry
Author: L Goldman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 5 (1951)

Contemporary references to the York Street Synagogue
Contemporary references to the York Street Synagogue
Author: M Kellerman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 5 (1951)

Australia and the "Voice of Jacob"
Australia and the "Voice of Jacob"
Author: David Benjamin
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 5 (1951)

Obituary: Rabbi I. Morris.
Obituary: Rabbi I. Morris.
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 5 (1951)

Some treasurers of the Great Synagogue
Some treasurers of the Great Synagogue
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 6 (1951)

Some Australian Jews and the Federal Movement
Some Australian Jews and the Federal Movement
Author: Harold Glass
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 6 (1951)

Australia and the "Voice of Jacob"
Australia and the "Voice of Jacob"
Author: David Benjamin
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 6 (1951)

The Jubilee law convention
The Jubilee law convention
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 6 (1951)

Obituary: Maurice Davis.
Obituary: Maurice Davis.
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 6 (1951)

Palestine appeals in the fifties and sixties
Palestine appeals in the fifties and sixties
Author: Morris Forbes
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 7 (1952)

New Zealand and the "Voice of Jacob"
New Zealand and the "Voice of Jacob"
Author: David Benjamin
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 7 (1952)

The Jews of Tamworth-supplemental notes
The Jews of Tamworth-supplemental notes
Author: A Cohen
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 7 (1952)

Obituary: Saul Symonds
Obituary: Saul Symonds
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 7 (1952)

Obituary: Mrs. Alfred Phillips
Obituary: Mrs. Alfred Phillips
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 7 (1952)

Early Jewish settlers in Port Macquarie
Early Jewish settlers in Port Macquarie
Author: Sidney Schultz
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 8 (1953)

Australia and the "Voice of Jacob"
Australia and the "Voice of Jacob"
Author: David Benjamin
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 8 (1953)

Obituary: Saul Symonds
Obituary: Saul Symonds
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 8 (1953)

Obituary: Abraham Hyam Sicree
Obituary: Abraham Hyam Sicree
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 8 (1953)

The Macquarie Street synagogue, 1859-1877
The Macquarie Street synagogue, 1859-1877
Author: David Benjamin
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 9 (1953)

The Jews of Tamworth-Addenda and corrigenda
The Jews of Tamworth-Addenda and corrigenda
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 9 (1953)

Obituary: Dr. N. M. A. Alexander
Obituary: Dr. N. M. A. Alexander
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 9 (1953)

The Jewish War Memorial Perth
The Jewish War Memorial Perth
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 9 (1953)

The Sydney "Voice of Jacob"
The Sydney "Voice of Jacob"
Author: David Benjamin
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 10 (1953)

The Sydney Hebrew Ladies' Bazaar, 1875
The Sydney Hebrew Ladies' Bazaar, 1875
Author: A Keysor
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 10 (1953)

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