Early Zionism in Sydney

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 4 (1950)

Author(s) Morris Forbes AbstractThis is probably the first occasion that any systematic attempt has been made to deal with the history of Zionism in Australia, and there is little doubt that the subject has not received previous attention in this State. It is, indeed. curious that hitherto so little seems to have been done in this field, particularly as Zionism in our Commonwealth has a history of half a century. Perhaps this may serve to illustrate that sin is a relative conception, for even the great Jewish communities of America seem to have produced little in the direction of local Zionist history. Professor Salo W. Baron, of Columbia University, writes in the last number of the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society : Unbelievably we do not yet possess a single documentary history of the Zionist movement in the Western Hemisphere."'
Early Zionism in Sydney
Early Zionism in Sydney