Walter L. Lindenthal

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

Author(s) H Kellerman AbstractThe history of the early Australian Jewish communities has been told,-and in the published reports, especially the articles on "Early Jewish Education in Sydney" in Vol. L, Part. II. of this Journal, and "The Chief Rabbinate and Early Australian Jewry" in Vol. II., Part IX., reference is made to the pioneer activities of a few zealous workers to establish facilities for worship and education in the young colonies. From the earliest times it was recognised that teachers and schools were essential, and, despite the disadvantages of isolation and distance from Britain, efforts were constantly being made to secure the services of suitable men, and to provide the children with some kind of instruction in the principles of their faith.
Walter L. Lindenthal
Walter L. Lindenthal