The Search Builder field is reserved for power users to construct advanced searches on any journal article record field with elements such as boolean operators and wildcards.
The format for each clause follows this syntax: <field_name>:"<value>"
(note the field and values are separated with a colon. To search on a specific phrase, include the term in quotes.)
For example, to search for records that contain an author of "Levi" OR an abstract with "Melbourne":
journal_author_surname:"Levi" OR abstract:"Melbourne"
Quotes search for an exact phrase:
abstract:"Hobart Synagogue"
returns articles that specifically have "Hobart Synagogue" as a phrase in the abstract, while
abstract:Hobart AND abstract:Synagogue
will match journal articles with Hobart and Synagogue, but not necessarily in a phrase.
You may view a list of all searchable journal article fields in a table below.
Wildcards can be used in text search fields, but not as the first character.
To perform a single character wildcard search use the "?" symbol, e.g. "Lev?" will find Levi, Levy and any other name beginning with "Lev" with four characters, but won't find "Levey".
The multiple character wildcard * (asterisk) looks for any number of characters (or none) within the nominated text. "Lev*y" will find Levy and Levey. "S*war* " will find many variations of the name including Swartz, Schwartz, Schwarcz, Szwarc. "Davi*s" will find both Davis and Davies as well as Davidowits. "Lev*" will find any name beginning with "Lev", eg Levine, Levinstein, etc, as well as Levy, Levi and Levey.
(Note the use of brackets to group boolean criteria)