Some Australian Jews and the Federal Movement

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 6 (1951)

Author(s) Harold Glass AbstractThe title of this paper is intended to suggest what one would in any event expect, namely, that there was no such thing as a Jewish contribution to the Federal movement. Individual Jews in public life adopted varying attitudes towards Federation, and their attitudes were the result not only of their personalities and backgrounds, but more particularly of conditions in the different colonies which they represented. It is none the less fitting to place on record the standpoint adopted by some of these Jewish figures in regard to the important national event, the Jubilee of which we are celebrating this year. I have selected four such persons for brief discussion, and they are treated in the following order : Vaiben Louis Solomon of South Australia, businessman; Sir Isaac Isaacs of Victoria, lawyer; Sir Julian Salomons of New South Wales, lawyer ; and Elias Solomon of Western Australia, businessman.
Some Australian Jews and the Federal Movement
Some Australian Jews and the Federal Movement