The Sydney Jewish Library 1846

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 3 (1950)

Author(s) Lieb Falk AbstractWhen we delve into the history of the earliest days of Australian Jewry, and particularly of Sydney Jewry, the mother community of Australia, we find one fact of paramount importance-that the type of people who were to lay the foundation of the Kehilla and erect it into a stable, organised community, were men of high principle, of education and culture, men with a deep love for everything essential to Judaism and the Jewish people. This is a fact most needful of recognition, because those who arrived in the 'seventies and later generally assume that these early pioneers were, on the contrary, Ame 'aretz in the widest meaning of the term.
The Sydney Jewish Library 1846
The Sydney Jewish Library 1846