The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies

Organisation Archives

Authority Biography/Administrative History

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies was established on 29 July 1945. It is the officially-elected representative roof-body and voice of the Jewish community of New South Wales. It is recognised by the NSW government, its agencies, the media and other ethnic and religious groups as the representative body of the Jewish community. The Board leads, speaks and advocates on behalf of the NSW Jewish community, to which 61 organisations of a cultural, welfare, educational and spiritual nature are affiliated. The board publishes information on current affairs and serves as a central resource on many issues of the Jewish concern and relevance.

It is the elected plenum of 147 Deputies, which meets monthly to consider issues of communal importance. Half of the Deputies are elected every two years by a general franchise and half are appointed by the constituent organisations. The plenum elects an Executive, which conducts the organisation’s administration.

ProvenanceB1 NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, The - NSWJBoD
Scope & ContentThis collection contains the core records created and maintained in the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, showing the various activities, functions, transactions and programmes of he NSW Jewish Board of Deputies over the decades in Australia. Series 001 - 084 shows the various activities, functions, transactions and programmes of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies over the decades in Australia. The files cover the work of the Board by professional staff and the following committees which are education; public relations; community relations; Holocaust Remembrance and social justice. The files cover the core programs and functions within each department in the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies: Jewish and intercultural education for primary and secondary students, as well as networking and resource sharing between educators in the Jewish and wider communities; Interactions with the media, government and other institutional arms of the public and private sectors; works to combat racism and antisemitism; monitors the media and works to ensure the physical security and well-being of the Jewish community. Administers a Speaker Service and keeps the public informed of issues relating to Israel and the Jewish community; Constructive partnerships with non-government organisations, interest groups, religious bodies, women’s’ groups, think tanks and other civil society groups in a manner that will assist the NSW Jewish community in meeting its strategic priorities as determined from time to time by the relevant organs of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.; Organises Holocaust educational and commemorative activities and awareness campaigns for the Jewish and general community; Articulates Jewish values in relation to human rights and social justice issues which arise within both the Jewish and general communities; raises awareness with the Jewish community about such issues; and distributes information and organises activities in relation to Jews experiencing. oppression or distress anywhere in the world The overall date range of the consignments are 1936 - 2016 The records which were appraised were in the custody of NSW JBoD but the series of records fall into various organisational groups and hence, the following Provenance Codes represent those groups: Provenance Name Provenance Code Executive Council of Australian Jewry ECAJ 5 NSW Jewish Board of Deputies NSW JBoD 10 Jewish Communal Appeal JCA 15 State Zionist Council SZC 20 War Memorial WarM 25 Council of Jewish Education of the NSW Board of Jewish Education CJE 30 Public Relations Committee PubRelCom 35 Social Justice Committee SJCom 40 Institute of Jewish Community Development IJCD 45 Holocaust Remembrance Committee HRemCom 50 Jewish Arts and Culture Council of the Jewish Board of Deputies JACC 55 Mandelbaum Trust and House MTrt 60 Access direction of Closed or Open applies to each series within this collection.
Related RecordsAny other related collections: PP/CAPLANL/002 Correspondence & Subject Files of Leslie Caplan Yes, Series JCA Images - Photographic Collection JCA/1/1-5/001 - 0750 Yes, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies - B1/JBOD/1/VF/001-066 Yes, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies - B1/JBOD/1/AF/001-004
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