General Correspondence of the Sydney Jewish Museum


Series DescriptionGeneral Correspondence of the Sydney Jewish Museum includes, but is not limited to correspondence between the Museum and external individuals and organisations. The subject matter of the Correspondence is not related to any one subject, but encompasses any correspondence relating to the functions and activities of the Sydney Jewish Museum - for example, correspondence related to the Capital Appeal and subsequent Capital Works, funding and grants, letters of commendation and complaint from the general public and/or external religious organisations; legal correspondence concerning bequests; space hiring requests; correspondence between the Sydney Jewish Museum and external organisations regarding joint projects, partnerships, and resource sharing - such as the Niedersächische Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung - Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belson Also included are letters of condolences and congratulations sent to prominent members of the Jewish Community in light of a death, birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the family. Letters of appreciation sent to the museum in response are also included. A significant quantity of the correspondence is either directed to, or written from Norman Seligman, the Chief Executive Officer from 2002-2021, and various Presidents/high positional people of the Museum including John Roth, Toby Hammerman, John Saunders, Alan Jacobs and Robert Groot. Letters and correspondences between SJM and NSW Premiers and Members of Parliament such as Malcolm Turnbull, Barry O'Farrell, John Howard and Bob Carr. Other note worthy documents included in this series includes (but not limited to): personal and business correspondences from the early beginnings of the museum, visitor messages and complaints including recommendations from museum staff, funding campaigns and letters referring to the funding crisis the museum experienced in 1996-97, grant and funding letters along with billing and financial quotes/copies, United States of America Embassy and associated corporations thanking SJM for their condolences following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre Towers on September 11 2001, several will settlements, invitations to and from the museum on related events and openings and solicitor communications.
Series Number010
Dates(s)1992 to 2009
ProvenanceB7 Sydney Jewish Museum, The - SJM
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