The Lessons of Survival. A film by Inna Rogatchi. Conversations with Simon Wiesenthal. The film inv ….
ProvenanceB7 Sydney Jewish Museum, The - SJM
SeriesAudio-Visual Collection of The Sydney Jewish Museum
Series Number001
Item DescriptionThe Lessons of Survival. A film by Inna Rogatchi. Conversations with Simon Wiesenthal. The film involves conversations with Simon Wiesenthal, and is divided into five parts. The first video contains the title screen, the second, third and fourth contain the testimony of Simon Wiesenthal, while the fifth only has video until 5min 20sec in. (Durations 3min 26sec, 17min 12 sec, 17min 12sec, 17min 12sec, and 1hr 39min.) Electronic Resources tab and enter in NOTES: Original DVD of video has been transferred onto dropbox. DVD has been retained in Box 70.
Item Number036
Item Box Number70
Current LocationLvl 1 - AJHS Accession Room
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