Janka: Performed by Janice Noga. Written and Directed by Oscar Speace. Based on a letter by Janka Fe ….
ProvenanceB7 Sydney Jewish Museum, The - SJM
SeriesAudio-Visual Collection of The Sydney Jewish Museum
Series Number001
Item DescriptionJanka: Performed by Janice Noga. Written and Directed by Oscar Speace. Based on a letter by Janka Festinger. Translation by Nora DeWitt. It is a monologue performance. The performance is divided into two parts Act 1: 43.26min and Act 2: 46.55min. The videos on the CD are separated into 4. (Durations are 24min 22sec, 19min 3sec, 24min 23sec, and 22min 28sec) Electronic Resources tab and enter in NOTES: Original DVD of video has been transferred onto dropbox. DVD has been retained in Box 70.
Item Number035
Item Box Number70
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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