Soviet Jewry, Israel. Jewish Communal Appeal correspondence. Correspondence from Avotaynu, The Inter …


ProvenanceCAPLAN, Sophie (CAPLANS)
SeriesCorrespondence & Subject Files - Sophie Caplan
Series Number001
Item DescriptionSoviet Jewry, Israel. Jewish Communal Appeal correspondence. Correspondence from Avotaynu, The International Review of Jewish Genealogy. Correspondence from the Sydney Jewish Centre on Ageing (COA) and the Australian Jewish Welfare Society. Invitation to event at The Great Synagogue, Sydney. Handwritten note regarding Women in Judaism. The North Shore Synagogue program for Shloshim Service. Youth Aliyah Australia document regarding High Holiday. Correspondence from University of Sydney. Document regarding Kosher local and imported wines. Newspaper article regarding visit of President Chaim Nerzdo to Australia. Media Monitors Australia transcripts. Transcript from Radio2GB regarding Riots In Israel with John Tingle and Colin Rubinstein. Radio2BL transcript Israeli Policy in Occupied Territories with Bob Hawke and Ali Kazah. TV7 transcript with Zvi Gabay and Don Willesee. Radio2BL transcript regarding More Violence In Israel's Occupied Territories with Bill Hayden. Radio2FC transcript regarding Yair Lapid, Israeli Newspaper, Outlines Differences between West Bank and Gaza Strip violence. Newspaper article regarding Arab-Israeli conflict. Radio2BL transcript regarding More Violence in Israeli occupied territories with Ahud Barak. TV10 transcipt regarding Josie Lacey, Australian Women's Zionist Organisation, Responds to Interview with Mysson Shaath. Document regarding Terrorist Groups Attempt to Infiltrate into Israel. Document regarding Palestine and WHO. Correspondence with Australasian Union of Jewish Students. The Australian Jewish Welfare Society Notice of Annual General Meeting. Documents regarding Hillel College Kindergarten. Correspondence with Moriah War Memorial College. Correspondence regarding Len Spray. Central Coast Jewish Friendship and Support Association document regarding aims of the association. State Zionist Council of Victoria document regarding Israel and Egypt relations. Temple Emanuel Kindergarten End of Term Party program. Correspondence with Women's International Zionist Organisation. The Victor Ades Memorial Kindergarten document regarding Israel and Egypt relations. Short biography Ivan Lerner Educational Psychologist. Ephemera regarding Sunday Night Live with Dr. Ivan Lerner. Correspondence with United Israel Appeal, Keren Hayesod. Document by UNSW (University of New South Wales) regarding The German-Jewish Experience. Correspondence with Yeshiva Centre. Magazine regarding Ida Nudel (1987). Ephemera regarding Soviet Jewry. Document regarding Soviet Jewry and the Right To Study Hebrew. Document regarding Soviet Jewry, Ania Kholmiansky, Alexander Kholmiansky, Pravda, Gorbachev (1987). Document regarding activism and treatment of Soviet Jewry in Moscow and Leningrad, Boris Shpeizman, Semion Diskin, Yuri Fedorov, Eduard Nadgorniy, Zakharov (1987). Ephemera regarding Israel's Independence Day. Solomon Mykhoels Cultural Centre magazine regarding Soviet Jewry (1989). Correspondence with Executive Council of Australian Jewry and Leibler. Outline of course for History of Australian Jewry.
Item Number319
Item Box Number33
Dates(s)1983 to 1990
Box Barcode Number:NB03904464
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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