Kippah. Report of the Task Force On Jewish Continuity 1997 includes chapters on religion, gender, ed …


ProvenanceCAPLAN, Sophie (CAPLANS)
SeriesCorrespondence & Subject Files - Sophie Caplan
Series Number001
Item DescriptionKippah. Report of the Task Force On Jewish Continuity 1997 includes chapters on religion, gender, education, the Zionist movement, Strategy for Continuity; The Jewish House Crisis Centre Annual Appeal includes ways which the centre helps those in need including dealing with drug and alcohol counselling, domestic abuse, and shelter for the homeless. Minutes of The Annual General Meeting of the NSW Board of Jewish Education, 28 of May 2008. Small advertisements and pamphlets including invitation to Jewish Learning Centre; Shana Tova card from NSW Jewish Board of Deputies; Masada College Candle Lighting Times calendar magnet; invitation to celebrate Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism with speaker Rabbi Yisroel Sufrin; New Year Greetings card from The Synagogue in Hobart; cooking lessons event Ladies Start Your Engines; Luach 5764, 2003-2004 calendar at Wellington Jewish Community Centre; invitation from B'nai B'rith Getting To Know You lunch; lunch regarding Religious Community Profiles: Judaism in Australia by Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs; B'nai B'rith invitation to Yom Ha'atzmaut; Jewish Genealogy in the 21st Century conference dinner, 2008; Coogee Synagogue Community Centre and War Memorial Calendar Services, 2004; small booklet issued by Jewish National Fund of Australia and New Zealand; New Year Greetings booklet Friends of Magen David Adom in NSW; Leo Baeck Institute Gala Award Dinner, 2006.
Item Number339
Item Box Number37
Dates(s)1997 to 2008
Box Barcode Number:NB03904468
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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