381 Journal Article Results

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Problems of integration of Soviet Jewish emigrants in Australia
Problems of integration of Soviet Jewish emigrants in Australia
Author: Anna Frenkel
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 8 (1990)

The Sydney Musical Society
The Sydney Musical Society
Author: Harris Morris
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 8 (1990)

Intermarriage: the Melbourne petition of 1878
Intermarriage: the Melbourne petition of 1878
Author: Bruce Le Bransky
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 8 (1990)

The Maccabean
The Maccabean
Author: Nate Zusman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 8 (1990)

Sydney Grammar School and the Jewish community 1830-1940
Sydney Grammar School and the Jewish community 1830-1940
Author: Morris Forbes
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 8 (1990)

A historical note on Jews at Tarban Creek Asylum, 1848-1854
A historical note on Jews at Tarban Creek Asylum, 1848-1854
Author: Morris Forbes
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 8 (1990)

Obituary: Rabbi Alfred Fabian
Obituary: Rabbi Alfred Fabian
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 8 (1990)

The Brunswick "Talmud Torah"
The Brunswick "Talmud Torah"
Author: Lorraine Freeman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The 'Dunera' affair: a scandal for whom?
The 'Dunera' affair: a scandal for whom?
Author: Paul Bartrop
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The Sephardim of Australia
The Sephardim of Australia
Author: Gad Ben-Meir
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Isaac Jacobs and the Reform movement
Isaac Jacobs and the Reform movement
Author: Malcolm Turnbull
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

An unpromised land
An unpromised land
Author: Leon Gettler
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Critchley Parker: Australian martyr for Jewish refugees
Critchley Parker: Australian martyr for Jewish refugees
Author: Hilary Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The 'Jewish race' clause in Australian immigration forms
The 'Jewish race' clause in Australian immigration forms
Author: Paul Bartrop
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The Pilcher conundrum
The Pilcher conundrum
Author: Rodney Gouttman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Italian Jewish refugees and anti-Fascist activities
Italian Jewish refugees and anti-Fascist activities
Author: Marcello Montagnana
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Tracks along the way: thoughts and views from my life
Tracks along the way: thoughts and views from my life
Author: Joseph Gentilli
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Jascha Spivakovsky- a musical life
Jascha Spivakovsky- a musical life
Author: Michael Spivakovsky
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The revolution of 1942-44
The revolution of 1942-44
Author: W Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The protocols and the printer
The protocols and the printer
Author: Rodney Gouttman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism: An historical re-appraisal (Part Three: Conclusion)
The Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism: An historical re-appraisal (Part Three: Conclusion)
Author: Philip Mendes
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Author: Stanley Robe
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

100 Years Ago: extracts from the Jewish Herald
100 Years Ago: extracts from the Jewish Herald
Author: Lorraine Freeman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The Jewish Genealogical records of Australia and New Zealand
The Jewish Genealogical records of Australia and New Zealand
Author: Beverly;Harvey Davis;Cohen
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Diaspora. An inquiry into the contemporary Jewish World
Diaspora. An inquiry into the contemporary Jewish World
Author: W Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Religion and ethnic identity in Australia
Religion and ethnic identity in Australia
Author: W Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Camilla: C.H.Wedgwood 1901-1955, a life
Camilla: C.H.Wedgwood 1901-1955, a life
Author: Hilary Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Rebels and precursors
Rebels and precursors
Author: Pam Maclean
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The Dunera Affair. A documentary resource book
The Dunera Affair. A documentary resource book
Author: W Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The Dunera scandal
The Dunera scandal
Author: W Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Sanctuary. Nazi fugitives in Australia
Sanctuary. Nazi fugitives in Australia
Author: Suzanne Rutland
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

A life to live. An autobiography. Israel Kipen
A life to live. An autobiography. Israel Kipen
Author: W Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Mietek Gringlas. A biography
Mietek Gringlas. A biography
Author: W Rubinstein
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

The not so fabulous Fifties. Images of a migrant childhood
The not so fabulous Fifties. Images of a migrant childhood
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Manly Girls
Manly Girls
Author: Sophie Caplan
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

A palette of artists. A hiostory of the Bezazel Fellowship of Arts in Melbourne
A palette of artists. A hiostory of the Bezazel Fellowship of Arts in Melbourne
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

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