A palette of artists. A hiostory of the Bezazel Fellowship of Arts in Melbourne

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Author(s) Serge Liberman AbstractBook Review: In the aftermath of World War II, Australia became home to a number of Jewish artists both proven and fledgling come from Europe. As early as 1945, Karl Duldig, who had arrived in 1940 as a deportee from his erstwhile haven, Singapore, held his first one-man exhibition at Kozminsky Galleries; in 1952, architect and town-planner Ernest Fooks exhibited his paintings and drawings at the same venue; in 1957, both the Judaean League and the Young Lions held art exhibitions, the latter as part of a wider Jewish Festival of Art organised by Shmuel Gorr; in 1961, another exhibition was mounted under the auspices of B'nai B'rith.
A palette of artists. A hiostory of the Bezazel Fellowship of Arts in Melbourne
A palette of artists. A hiostory of the Bezazel Fellowship of Arts in Melbourne