A life to live. An autobiography. Israel Kipen

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Author(s) W D Rubinstein AbstractBook Review: This is a really remarkable book, surely one of the best autobiographies ever written by an Australian Jew. Virtually since he arrived here in 1946, Israel Kipen has been one of the most esteemed leaders of the Melbourne Jewish community. He has served as President of the State Zionist Federation, in 1959-61, and was one of the founders of Bialik College with a commitment to the school and its philosophy over many decades. Most recently, he has served as Chairman of the Jewish Joint Tertiary Education Committee in Melbourne, and was instrumental in securing funding for the Arnold Bloch Lectureship in Modern Jewish History at Melbourne University
A life to live. An autobiography. Israel Kipen
A life to live. An autobiography. Israel Kipen