
Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

Author(s) Stanley Robe AbstractWiedergutmachung is a German word which means compensation or restitution, in this particular case compensation for harm done to the victims of Nazi bestiality. Many years ago, in 1948, I called, with the solicitor the late Mr. J. Okno and the late Mr. Leo Fink, a meeting in the Kadimah Hall in North Carlton of former victims of the Nazi regime. The announcement in the Jewish News brought good results; the hall was full. We told the assembled of the Restitution Act and urged them to register for compensation. Every person who would receive compensation would be another proof of harm and damage done by the infamous Nazi hordes. A body called 'Victims of the Nazi Regime' was formed on the spot. It was eventually to comprise 1084 members and was the forerunner of the Katzetler Verband. On the committee sat Messrs. Balberyszki, Parasol, Ryczywol, Biederman and a few others, with myself as secretary.