19 Journal Article Results

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500 years of Jewish books
500 years of Jewish books
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 8, 5 (1978)

Seventy years of Yiddish theatre in Melbourne
Seventy years of Yiddish theatre in Melbourne
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 8, 7 (1979)

Yiddish theatre in Perth, Brisbane and Sydney
Yiddish theatre in Perth, Brisbane and Sydney
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 9, 1 (1981)

No other home
No other home
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 4 (1988)

Goodbye Takmuk
Goodbye Takmuk
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 6 (1989)

The Australian people. An encyclopaedia of the nation, its people and their  origins
The Australian people. An encyclopaedia of the nation, its people and their origins
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 7 (1989)

The not so fabulous Fifties. Images of a migrant childhood
The not so fabulous Fifties. Images of a migrant childhood
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

A palette of artists. A hiostory of the Bezazel Fellowship of Arts in Melbourne
A palette of artists. A hiostory of the Bezazel Fellowship of Arts in Melbourne
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 1 (1990)

My strange friend
My strange friend
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 3 (1991)

Peretz Hirschbein's travel pictures: impressions of New Zealand and Australia
Peretz Hirschbein's travel pictures: impressions of New Zealand and Australia
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 14, 3 (1998)

Sarah Bernhardt 'the divine' and her Australian connection: a review essay
Sarah Bernhardt 'the divine' and her Australian connection: a review essay
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 14, 4 (1999)

Impressions of a visit by Jacob Pat 1956
Impressions of a visit by Jacob Pat 1956
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 16, 1 (2001)

Chaim Shoshes 1961
Chaim Shoshes 1961
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 16, 1 (2001)

Berl Frimer
Berl Frimer
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 16, 1 (2001)

Shadow of Doubt. My Father and Myself
Shadow of Doubt. My Father and Myself
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 17, 3 (2004)

Not Welcome: A Dunera Boy's Escape from Nazi Oppresion to Eventual Freedom in Australia
Not Welcome: A Dunera Boy's Escape from Nazi Oppresion to Eventual Freedom in Australia
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 20, 1 (2010)

Eilean Giblin: A Feminist Between the Wars
Eilean Giblin: A Feminist Between the Wars
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 21, 3 (2013)

Silences and Secrets: The Australian Experiences of Weintrabs Syncopators
Silences and Secrets: The Australian Experiences of Weintrabs Syncopators
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 21, 3 (2013)

Writing Jewish Carlton
Writing Jewish Carlton
Author: Serge Liberman
Issue: Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 23, 3 (2017)

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