The Australian people. An encyclopaedia of the nation, its people and their origins

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 7 (1989)

Author(s) Serge Liberman AbstractBook Review: Australia's much-awaited Bicentenary has finally been and gone; the reconstituted First Fleet has, one supposes, been placed in moth-balls for another century; the global satellite-mediated television razzamattazz is stored somewhere for retrieval when another fix of nostalgia, hype, patriotic hoohah or diversion is deemed warranted; while in this 201st year P.E.S. (Post-European Settlement), most things go on as they did in the preceding 199th year.
The Australian people. An encyclopaedia of the nation, its people and their  origins
The Australian people. An encyclopaedia of the nation, its people and their origins