This file includes but not limited to Research notes for the History of Australian Jews and Australi ….


AAJ IP6 - Shelf List 64
ProvenancePORUSH, Israel Rabbi (PORUSHI)
SeriesPersonal Papers and correspondence of Rabbi Israel Porush
Series Number001
Item DescriptionThis file includes but not limited to Research notes for the History of Australian Jews and Australian Jewish Historical Society. Correspondence between Angus & Robertson (Publishers) Pty Ltd and Porush, regarding the publishing of the Great Synagogue. Also correspondence between Sydney D Einfeld ML.A. and Porush; letter from Professor S. Encel from The University of New South Wales. 1 piece of cardboard with notes on possible divisions for 'A Short History of Australian Jewry"". 20-numbered pages titled: A Short History of Australian Jewry Part I: The Developing Communities (1788-1933) - The Era of The Convicts. Notes for Part I on Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia (WA), Queensland and Canberra (ACT). 1-page statistics titled: Religion of Marriage partners of Jews in Australia: Changes between 1961 and 1966 Census. Notes titled "Part II - The Contemporary Era". 1-page titled "Chapter Headings" 3-page report on Jewish Marriages titled: A Further Report Re 1966 Commonwealth Census, author Walter Lippmann - includes attached letter from Lippmann dated (26/6/1980) pertaining to: a copy of a table on Jewish Marriages in Melbourne between 1967 - 1979 typed on Australian Jewish Welfare & Relief Society (A.J.W.R.S) letterhead, a document of 9-numbered pages titled: Soviet Jewish Migration to Melbourne 1974-79: A Resume, Author Geoffrey S. Green, President, A.J.W.R.S., and an Annexure titled: Resettlement of Soviet Jews numbered pages 19-29, author Walter Lippmann, M.B.E., On behalf of the Federation of Australian Jewish Welfare Societies. Letter from Professor S. Encel, Head of School of Sociology, regarding the fall of 13% in the Jewish population based on census figures (23/2/1979). Correspondence from (Sydney D. Einfeld) Member for Waverley, Minster for Consumer Affairs and Minister for Co-operative Societies: Letter from Einfeld dated (28/7/1976) responding for a request for a Plaque in Honour of Saul Symonds; letter dated (9/11/1976) from Einfeld note verbatim:- "I have noted you are writing the history of the Great Synagogue, a project which I understand Rabbi Appel is also undertaking at the present time. It seems a pity that both of you should be going to publish a book, important as it is, on the same subject.", a donation of $100.00 toward the writing of The Great Synagogue is noted, as is a copy his Curriculum Vitae, as requested; letter to Syd (Sydney E. Einfeld) dated (19/11/1976) replying to previous remark regarding duplication of a book on the same subject. Letter from Alderman. Sir Nicholas Shehadie, O.B.E., on letterhead 'the Aldermen's Room, Town Hall Sydney', thanking Rabbi Porush for his congratulatory message on his recent honour bestowed upon him by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (19/1/1976). Correspondence between Angus & Robertson (Publishers) Pty. Ltd., and Rabbi Porush in regard to publishing The Great Synagogue; 1st letter dated (10/6/1975) from Richard Walsh, Managing Director, Angus & Robertson (Publishers) confirming their interest in publishing The Great Synagogue, and a second letter from Rabbi Porush to Mr R Walsh at Angus & Robertson dated (20/8/1976) advising of progress of writing and formatting of The Great Synagogue. IP6 - Shelf List 64
Item Number045
Item Box NumberIP 6
Box Barcode Number:NB03886145
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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