This file includes but not limited to Egypt - Israel Peace Treaty 1978-1979 news clippings; Zionist ….


ProvenanceFEHER, Yehuda (FEHERY)
SeriesPersonal Papers and correspondence of Feher, Yehuda
Item DescriptionThis file includes but not limited to Egypt - Israel Peace Treaty 1978-1979 news clippings; Zionist Labour League of Australia and Shomrim Habonim circulars and newsletters; Habonim Shomrim 1940-1946 Circulars and Newsletters; Atlantic Charter Clippings June 1945 - 1946 and Nuremburg Trials November 1945 Zionist Labour League of Australia; Labour and the Jewish People 1943; Labour Palestine Melbourne League for Labour Palestine 1943; Palestine Statement by the Zionist Labour League of Australia August 1946; letter from Yehuda Feher 1948; letter to Yehuda Feher from the Poale Zion-Zionist Labour Party of Australia Egypt - Israel Peace Treaty 1978-1979 news clippings; Australian Jewish Times March 29 1979; Various clippings from The Australian 1979; In Celebration of Peace Time 9 April 1979; Peace: Risks and Rewards March 26 1979 Vol. 113 No. 13; Angry Words Over a Deadlock Time 25 December 1978; Meeting at Camp David Time 11 September 1978; On the verge of Stalemate Time 14 August 1978; Community Radio 3CR A Front for Terrorism The Bulletin 27 June 1978; West Bank the cruellest conflict Time June 19 1978; Madness in the Middle East The Bulletin 28 March 1978; Israel ""Servers the Arm"" Time 27 zMarch 1978; And I will give you the land of Israel 9-15 July 1977. Shomrin Habonim 1940-1946 circulars and newsletters; Letters from Doris 8th October 1946 - 29th February 1948; Circular Youth Department Zionist Federation of Australia and New Zealand 1942-1946; Association of Jewish Ministers of Australia & New Zealand 14th October 1973; Memorandum to Yehuda on the Kvutzot Organisation Fisher Library 30/1/1942; Memorandum to Feher on Kvutzot Programme 1942; The Young Zionist New Year 5703 September 1942; Shomrim Youth Zionist Organisation reports, letters, circulars 1942-1946; The Future No.19. AV 5705; Copy of airgraph from Abe Herman Jerusalem July 1944; Habonim- Shomrim Camp Chelsea Park - Maon Hanoar May 21st 1944; Habonim - Shomrim Zionist Youth Organisation Review of Activities 1943 - 5703/4; Jewish Parents! flyer to encourage parents to enrol their children in Habonim; Zionist Youth Organisation pledge; Shomrim News March 1942, September - October 1941, Vol. No.2 date unknown; Habonim Celebrate their Fifth Anniversary, Sydney Jewish News, 27/7/1946 Atlantic Charter clippings - Charter of the United Nations, Sydney Morning Herald, June 28 1945; World Charter will be a realistic step to peace, Sydney Morning Herald, June 25 1945; What Uncio did to shape the peace, June 26 1945; Historic signing of security charter, Sydney Morning Herald, June 28 1945; Belgian is leader of the United Nations January 11 1946 unknown source; Nuremburg Trials - Legal Tangles in the Way of Trying War Criminals source and date unknown; Poison Stir at Nazi Criminals Trial November 21 1945; Trial of German War Chiefs Begins Daily Telegraph November 21 1945; Oratory Stirs Court at Nuremburg date and source unknown; Goring Plays Clown at War Crime Trial, The Sun, November 22 1945; All Nazis Plead Not Guilty, Sydney Morning Herald, November 22, 1945; Nazi Plans to Rearm Described, Daily Telegraph, November 24 1945; YF6 shelf list 6
Item Number019
Box Barcode Number:NB03886350
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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