This file includes but not limited to Palestine- Israeli conflict 2002-2003; Zionism and the Zionist ….


ProvenanceFEHER, Yehuda (FEHERY)
SeriesPersonal Papers and correspondence of Feher, Yehuda
Item DescriptionThis file includes but not limited to Palestine- Israeli conflict 2002-2003; Zionism and the Zionist World Organisation Palestine - Israeli conflict 2002 - 2003: Suicidal Lies by Thomas L. Friedman, The Washington Post, 2002 and related news clippings 2002; New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies Plenum Package 17th October 2006 - 12 December 2006; Mandelbaum House Limited meeting minutes November 2005; Confronting the "Challenge of Islamic Fundamentalism" - Address to the Jewish National Fund of Australia at their Annual Dinner at the Palladium, Melbourne, 2006 by Winston S. Churchill; Address by Israeli President EZer Weizmann to the Bundestag and Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany, January 16, 1996 Zionism and the Zionist World Organisation: The World Zionist Organisation, 1956; Zionism in Action - An Australian Perspective, 1985; Report to 21st Zionist Conference, date and source unknown; From Herzl to an impregnable State by Yushak Rabin, 1967; Zionism back in fashion, Mark Segal, 1967; Life after Zionism, David Landau, 1981; 100 Years of Zionism 32 page Jerusalem Post Supplement, 1982 and 2 editorial comments, Time for an overhaul, Elieser Jaffe (J.P); From Herzl to Herzliya via Basle, Jerusalem and Caesarea, Amnon Hadary, 1983/84; Where does Zionism go from here?, The Economist, July 1984; Zionism in Action, Mark Leibler, 1985; The 31st Zionist Congress, The Jerusalem Post Supplement, 1987; Zionism at 100 - The angst and the ecstasy YF11 shelf list 11
Item Number041
Box Barcode Number:NB03886345
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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