Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction
DescriptionThese elaborate CAD-reconstructions, developed by Darmstadt Technical University, provide a representative survey of the architecture of synagogues in Germany before their destruction. What is more, they convey visual impressions of the diversity, the splendor and the significance of the synagogue in the history of German urban architecture from the early nineteenth century until 1938. In doing so, they also demonstrate the potential of such media to contribute to a new culture of remembrance. Reactions to the first exhibition in 2000 in Bonn, Germany, were resounding, with international praise for the quality of the simulations and their value as an instrument in the service of historical truth. This publication presents the results for the first time in print, to coincide with the launching of an exhibition in Tel Aviv which will travel to New York, Los Angeles and further international venues.
Publication Date26 February 2000
PublisherBirkhäuser Architecture
ISBN 139783760000000
ISBN 103764370300