Australian Jewish Historical Society: Chronicling the Jewish Experience in Australia since 1788
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Jews of Vienna in the Age of Franz Joseph (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
Robert S. Wistrich
Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction
Jewish Life in Germany: Memoirs from Three Centuries (The Modern Jewish Experience)
Address Book for Germanic Genealogy 6th ed.
Ernest Thode
Jews of Vienna in the Age of Franz Joseph, The
Robert S. Wistrich
Wer einmal war (A-K) The Jewish Bergers of Vienna 1800-1938
Georg Gaugusch
German Name-Change Gazetteer (Vol 2)
Franz Thierfelder
Portraits of Our Past: Jews of the German Countryside
Emily C Rose
Jewish Community of Frankfurt, The
Alexander Dietz;Isobel Mordy
Memorial to Ilja
Edward Isaacs
Citadel of Splendor - The 500 year Legacy of Jewish Sulzburg
Bezalel Kahn
Juden in Berlin 1671-1945
Die Judischen Friedhofe Jebenhausen Und Goppingen - Jewish Cemetery in Jebenhausen & Goppingen
Bamberger, Naftali Bar-Giora
Wegweiser Durch das Judische Berlin - A guide through Jewish Berlin
Heimat an der Erft (Homeland on the Erft)
Borman, Heidi;Borman, Cornelius
Die Judischen Friedhofe in Berlin - The Jewish Cemeteries in Berlin
Etzold Alfred et al
Von Juden In Munchen - Ein Gedenkbuch | Of Jews in Munich - A Memorial Book
Lamm, Hans
Gescgichte der Family Hallo
Rudolf Hallo
Hakenkreuz und Judenstern (Swastika and Jewish Star) The Fate of the Karlsruhe Jews in the Third Reich
Werner, Josef
Jewish Folkways in Germanic Lands (1648-1806) - Studies in Aspects of Daily Life
Pollack, Herman
Jüdisches Adressbuch für Gross-Berlin. Ausgabe 1931 (Berlin Adress Book 1931)
Vorwort Hermann Simon
Dictionary Of German-Jewish Surnames, A
Lars Menk
Escape From Berlin
Peter Nash
Germanic Genealogy
Edward R. Brandt;Mary Bellingham;Kermit E. Frye;Kent Cutkomp;Patricia Lowe
Naamsaanneming en - behood door Hoogduitse Joden in 1811/ The Adoption of Surnames by High German (Ashkenazi) Jews in The Hague in 1811
Guide to Jewish Genealogy in Germany and Austria, A
Thea Skyte (Editor);Randol Schoenberg (Editor);Rosemary Wenzerul (Editor);Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain Staff (Contribution by)
Hamburger Judische Opfer Des Nationalsozialismus/ Jewish Victims of National Socialism from Hamburg
Jurgen Seilemann;Paul Flamme
German Minority Census of 1939: An Introduction and Register (Avotaynu Monograph Series), The
Thomas Kent Edlund
Jewish Refugees from Germany and Austria in Britain, 1933-1970: Their Image in AJR Information
Anthony Grenville
German Name Change Gazetteer (Vol 1)
Otto Kredel & Franz Thierfelder
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