Jewish Refugees from Germany and Austria in Britain, 1933-1970: Their Image in AJR Information
Author(s)Anthony Grenville
DescriptionBetween 1933 and the outbreak of war in 1939, over 60,000 Jewish refugees fled to Britain from Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. Some 50,000 settled there. No previous historical study of this group of immigrants exists, though they form one of the most high-profile groups of refugees to have come to Britain in the 20th century, both as survivors of the Nazi terror and as high-achieving contributors to British society. This book - now available in paperback - focuses on the first quarter-century of these Jewish refugees' settlement in Britain. It covers new ground by drawing on a rich source of contemporary material: the previously untapped monthly journal of the Association of Jewish Refugees - AJR Information. The journal is the only contemporary source that provides material for a full-scale history of these refugees when they established themselves permanently in Britain, as well as how they adapted to British society and developed their distinctive 'Continental' identity and culture that characterized them in their adopted homeland.
Publication Date1 January 2010
PublisherVallentine Mitchell
ISBN 139780850000000
ISBN 10085303852X