Organisational Publications (Mixed) - 600 Box Series

Various Publication

TitleOrganisational Publications (Mixed) - 600 Box Series
Scope & ContentBoxes 600 - 650 contain mixed publications of various Jewish organisations including newsletters; reviews; bulletins; annual reports; official reports, magazines and journals; bound conference and convention reports; yearbooks; diaries etc. The publications were arranged in alphabetical order and placed in magazine racks on the shelves rather than as part of the collection of each individual organisation. It is expected that this sub-collection was acquired without any rigorous processes and so filed and maintained in the manner of receipt at the AAJ. Consequently, the publications were boxed in accordance to the contents of each magazine rack. It was not feasible to place the publications in accordance withorganisations due to lack of space, time and added value in doing so.
Original RepositoryArchive of Australian Judaica – AAJ
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