Box 645 The NSW JBoD Information Bulletins; Network Newsletters "Looking into the Future of Jewish Young Adults in NSW" The Shalom Institute; The Blue Moon Magazine for Jewish young Adults : NSW JBoD News Review; Australian Jewish Democrats 1993; Board of Jewish Education Academy Life 1995; Journal of Proceedings of the David J Benjamin Institute of Studies (under the auspices of the NSW BJE and in collaboration with the Bn'ai B'rith Sir John Monash Lodge No 1895 & Women's Chapter No 875) 2 books 1964 & 1965; Itoni BJE magazine for the Pupils of the Schools of the NSW Board of Jewish Education 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953; 1961 - Organisational Publications (Mixed) - 600 Box Series


ProvenanceB37 Archive of Australian Judaica - Various
TitleBox 645 The NSW JBoD Information Bulletins; Network Newsletters "Looking into the Future of Jewish Young Adults in NSW" The Shalom Institute; The Blue Moon Magazine for Jewish young Adults : NSW JBoD News Review; Australian Jewish Democrats 1993; Board of Jewish Education Academy Life 1995; Journal of Proceedings of the David J Benjamin Institute of Studies (under the auspices of the NSW BJE and in collaboration with the Bn'ai B'rith Sir John Monash Lodge No 1895 & Women's Chapter No 875) 2 books 1964 & 1965; Itoni BJE magazine for the Pupils of the Schools of the NSW Board of Jewish Education 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953; 1961 - Organisational Publications (Mixed) - 600 Box Series
Box NumberBox 645
Scope & ContentBox 645 The NSW JBoD Information Bulletins; Network Newsletters "Looking into the Future of Jewish Young Adults in NSW" The Shalom Institute; The Blue Moon Magazine for Jewish young Adults : NSW JBoD News Review; Australian Jewish Democrats 1993; Board of Jewish Education Academy Life 1995; Journal of Proceedings of the David J Benjamin Institute of Studies (under the auspices of the NSW BJE and in collaboration with the Bn'ai B'rith Sir John Monash Lodge No 1895 & Women's Chapter No 875) 2 books 1964 & 1965; Itoni BJE magazine for the Pupils of the Schools of the NSW Board of Jewish Education 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953; 1961
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