This file includes but not limited to Assorted Materials relating to The New South Wales Jewish Boar ….


SeriesPersonal Papers and correspondence of Ken Symonds
Series Number001
Item DescriptionThis file includes but not limited to Assorted Materials relating to The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies, The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, and Materials regarding the Campaign for the Rescue of Soviet Jewry. Annotated Report 'Report of Working Committee No. 3' regarding the working relationship of clergy and lay leadership in the Jewish Community; Annotated Report (5 Pages) 'Resolutions: Public Relations'; Annotated Report 'Report by the President of the Victorian Jewish Board of Deputies'; Annotated Report - 30/12/69 - 'A Report of the Working Committee to Consider the Reorganisation of the E.C.A.J.'; Information Sheet 'Conference of South-East Asian Jewish Communities'; Annotated Report 'Report by the Chairman of the Education Committee' regarding the Victorian Jewish Board of Deputies; Appendix 'Statistical Tables'; Report - 1969 - 'Analysis of Cases Attended by Social Workers for the Period January to June 1969' regarding the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society; Book 'Soviet Jewry and Human Rights' by Isi Leibler; Information Booklet 'The Problem of Soviet Jewry'; Annotated Information Sheet - 8th April 1976 - 'Notice of Meeting' regarding the Australian Campaign for the Rescue of Soviet Jewry; Newspaper Clipping from the Australian Jewish Times - July 8 1976 - Pages 11-12 & 17-18; News Bulletin of the Australian Campaign for the Rescue of Soviet Jewry Volume II No. IV - March 1976 - containing Handwritten Note - 6/5/76 - 'RSJ', Handwritten Note - 23/5/76 - 'SJ', Information Sheet 'Daily Diet in a Soviet Prison Camp', Handwritten Note - 31/3/75 - 'R.S.J.', and Handwritten Note - 13/7/76 - 'RSJ'; Information Booklet of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry - 1971 - 'Annual Conference'; Information Booklet - 1976 - 'N.S.W. Jewish Board of Deputies Report to Subscribers'; Annotated Interim Report - 19/9/77 - 'Adult Jewish Education Programmes'; Report - 28th February 1979 - 'New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies: Auditor's Report to Members'; Printed Poster in Block Hebrew/Yiddish '"Send My People"' Council of Youth in Israel, regarding Rescue of Soviet Jewry; Printed Poster in Hebrew/Yiddish - 1971 - regarding the Issue of Soviet Jews; Scrapbook Page of Newspaper Clippings - October-December 1958 - from the Sydney Jewish News and The Jewish Times regarding Central Synagogue; Scrapbook Page of Newspaper Clippings - November-December 1958 - from the 'Times' and 'News' regarding the building of Central Synagogue; Scrapbook Pages of Newspaper Clippings - November-December 1958 - from 'News' regarding Central Synagogue and the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies. KS 6 - Shelf List 48
Item Number045
Box Barcode Number:NB03886277
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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