Burial Grounds of the Jewish Cemetery Trust Rookwood


Series DescriptionScan copies of records covering cremations and ashes; burial of ex-servicemen; grounds development; mortuary station embankment and the Necropolis Plan of Management Includes but not limited to extracts from Minutes dated 12th July; letters re cremations and the burial of ashes and converts not recognized in Jewish Law; letters from the Beth Din & Chevra Kadisha; letters re burial of ashes of the late Mrs. M. Tritsch; the late Emerich Strasser; the late Mrs. Friderieke Opper and record of a conference between members of the Sydney Beth Din and Trustees of the Jewish Cemetery dated 20th December 1965. Letters re list of deceased ex-servicemen buried in the precincts of the Military- Section of Rookwood Cemetery; the list incudes the following names with corresponding Grave numbers. GRAVE NO. NAME. 1 H.L. Defries 4 Henry Brodziak 8 Michael Levy 10 John Marks 12 Abraham -Wachman 17 Karl Morris Cohen 19 Lionel Bimberg 20 Henry Ephrin Moss 26 Max Breen 27 Loub Perry 28 Cecil Myer Brodziak 30 Stephen Paul Matzner Other records inlude development of the grounds such as construction of pathway in Section 14 Rookwood Cemetery; memorandum of agreement dated 13 September 1953 between The Jewish Cemetery Trust and contractor E Brown for plans and specifications for the construction of a footpath; marking of graves; improvement of tlie Jewish Portion of The Necropolis; proposed plan of addtion to Jewish Portion of Necropolis; letters re the Mortuary station embankment; Rookwood Necropolis Plan of Management dated 27 August 1984 and Minutes of Meetings of 3 Sub-Committee groups of the Rookwood Necropolis Development and Planning Committee with the Catholic Cemetery, Anglican/General Cemeteries, Independent Cemetery, Jewish Cemetery and Rookwood Crematorium. Dates of Meetings are: 23 June 1983; 29 August 1983; 9 March 1984; 7 June 1984; 12 July 1984; 27 August 1984;
Series Number002
Dates(s)1955 to 2011
ProvenanceB64 Jewish Cemetery Trust Rookwood - ROOKWOOD
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