Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite, The

Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite, The

Author(s)Stephen Birmingham
Description"Astoundingly readable and beautifully written.... It moves along like a romantic thriller, but is as serious a work and as good a job as Our Crowd". -- Denver Post. Descendants of the original twenty-three Jewish families who arrived in New York in 1654, these Sephardic Jews began a tradition of wealth, pride and exclusiveness that continues to this day. The author sheds light on this segment of Jewish society who viewed other Jews as peasants, and ardently shunned all publicity. It is the story of over three centuries of power, achievement, scandal, folly and elegant lifestyle, and sometimes flamboyant personalities.
PublisherSyracuse Univ Pr (Sd)
ISBN 139780820000000
ISBN 10815604599