Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova

Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova

Author(s)Miriam Weiner
Description"From earliest dawn, mankind has been driven by the insatiable urge to assure proof of his presence and continuity by leaving a record, from cave drawings to the historical notes buried under the Warsaw Ghetto in World WarII. Cast out to an often foreboding world, the Jewish people have become masters of the archives.

Between the world wars, the Soviet Union isolated its Jewish minority. They were shorn of their synagogues, schools, books and most vestiges of Jewish life. We did not know if a Jewish community still existed. As a result of the Holocaust and the wars, documentation became more and more difficult to come by.

Miriam Weiner, a courageous and brilliant historian and archivist, has haunted the archives of Eastern Europe, painstakingly piecing together the world that was. Here she has memorialized hundreds of shtetls and towns through document examples and photographs. Her earlier book on Polish Jewry alerted us to the fact that she was equal to the task. "Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova" is part of a masterwork of love and remembrance, so important to me and my children." -- Leon Uris, author of "Exodus"

"Miriam Weiner's "Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova" is an invaluable source book replete with photographs, documents and archival inventories of a world that should be of vital interest to all who treasure the past and want to keep vivid our memories of it." -- Chaim Potok, author of "The Chosen"
Publication Date1 June 1999
PublisherMiriam Weiner Routes To Roots Foundation, Incorporated, The
ISBN 139780970000000
ISBN 10965650812