This file includes some newspaper clipping for celebrating 60th wedding anniversary for Albert and M …


ProvenanceMARKS, Marcelle (MARKSM)
SeriesJews on the Land in Australia
Series Number001
Item DescriptionThis file includes some newspaper clipping for celebrating 60th wedding anniversary for Albert and Martha Spiegel, which was held by the local Jewish community, and they have donated $10,000 to the United Israel Appeal to endow a kindergarten in Safed, Israel. The research on Paul A. Cullen in Australian Capital Territory about PASTORAL PROPERTIES. Some newspaper clippings about Paul A. Cohen. A map of Sub-coastal Plain Rice Fields. In the NAJEX DETAIL which was published in April 1999, one of an article profile Ben Broit, who was a pilot. An interview with Mr. Sam Bando about Bender Knitting Mills. Family history of Charles Josef Berg, who migrated to Australia in 1937, with some photographs of the farm. Stories about Maurice Samuel Benjamin and his father during 1882-1942. Research on Albert Abraham Coppleson. A simple introduction of Stanley KERR who was born in Poland, he came to Australia after married Marie in 1938. A story about Moshe Rosenberg who was born in Germany. After World War II, he migrated to Australia with his wife, they lived at their farm at Eastview Avenue, Leura. Jewish stories in Australia of others who worked on farms including Edith Sander, Harry Scouler & Margit, Sam Speigal, Charles Barton and Miller Family. Research on the Cohen Family in 1984 by Marcelle Marks.
Item Number044
Item Box Number6
Dates(s)1882 to 2007
Box Barcode Number:NB03837774
Current LocationLRCA - Louise Rosenberg Communal Archive
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