Fabian, Alfred Rabbi

Personal Papers Archives

Fabian, Alfred Rabbi
Authority Biography/Administrative History

Rabbi Dr Alfred FABIAN

Housing: 6 boxes Period: 1945 - 1989.

Rabbi Dr. Alfred Fabian came to Australia in 1939, and served as Rabbi in the Jewish communities of Adelaide, Brisbane and the North Shore Synagogue. His papers include correspondence with the Chief Rabbi Hertz, copies of the Mizrachi Bulletin (1950 - 1951), typewritten articles, transcriptions from the letter book of the Adelaide Hebrew Congregation 1846-7 and some history notes

ProvenanceFABIAN, Alfred Rabbi Dr (FABIAN-Rabbi)
Dates(s)1945 to 1989
Scope & ContentHis papers include correspondence with the Chief Rabbi Hertz, copies of the Mizrachi Bulletin (1950 - 1951), typewritten articles, transcriptions from the letter book of the Adelaide Hebrew Congregation 1846-7 and some history notes
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