Krug, Ella

Personal Papers Archives

Krug, Ella
Authority Biography/Administrative History

Housing 1 folder Period: 1900s-2000

Ella Krug is a sculptor and is married to Henry Krug who is prominent in the B'nai B'rith organisation. Her papers and photos mostly concern her uncle Kurt Kaufmann, but also shed light on other family members including A. Kauffmann who was born in Melle, a province of Hanover, Germany in 1827. He arrived in South Australia on one of the old sailing vessels in 1855. Kauffman established himself in business and purchased property including Everett's warehouse in Rundle Street, Adelaide. The folder includes a number of photographs as well as letters and genealogical material on a common ancestor Philip Kauffman, who was born about 1760 in Borgholdzhausen, Westphalia, and died about 1828 in Melle. He married Caroline Sander and had three children whose descendants lived or live in Australia.

ProvenanceKRUG, Ella (KRUGE)
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