Keesing, Nancy

Personal Papers Archives

Keesing, Nancy
Authority Biography/Administrative History

Housing: 9 boxes + scrapbook Period: 1860s-1990

The late Nancy Keesing was a gifted and prolific writer of fiction and poetry, a critic, anthologist, social historian and editor. She was the author and editor of over 26 volumes. A member of a prominent Jewish family, she was a member, then chairperson of the Australian Council.

Correspondence, typescripts, and photos of family history of the Keesing family. Papers from the N.S.W. Jewish War Memorial.

Papers of Shalom (2nd ed.), and Gael Hammer's Pomegranates, correspondence and personal papers. Two nineteenth century albums of family photos on mother's side: Hart and Michaelis families, Gotthelf, De Beer and Hallenstein (Melbourne, Sydney and New Zealand), 1860s-1880s. Additional material from a cousin, Dr Robert Parker (Darwin) on the Hart, Hallenstein, Michaelis and Parker families is continuously being added. 

ProvenanceKEESING, Nancy (KEESINGN)
Dates(s)1860 to 1990
Scope & ContentCorrespondence, typescripts, and photos of family history of the Keesing family. Papers from the N.S.W. Jewish War Memorial.
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