Maitland Cemetery

Organisation Archives

Authority Biography/Administrative HistoryMaitland Jewish Cemetery is a NSW Heritage Listed site. It is significant as the earliest, largest and most intact dedicated Jewish cemetery in NSW. Maitland Jewish Cemetery is located at 112 – 114 Louth Park Road, Maitland. It is a rural setting. The neighbouring properties are horse farms. The cemetery is approximately 15 metres by 38 metres.1 The area is enclosed by a 1.2 metre new paling fence. The laneway to the east provides access from Louth Park Rd.With the exception of a burial in 2010, the recorded burials date from 1849 to 1934. The cemetery was closed in 2014. In 2014, the cemetery was listed on the NSW State Heritage Register.
ProvenanceB55 Maitland Cemetery - MAITLDCEM
Scope & ContentThe electronic documents are administrative which includes maintenance and restorative records
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