Dr Hans Kimmel: 'Twice a New Citizen'

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 25, 4 (2022)

Author(s) Deborah Green AbstractDr Hans Kimmel was a Viennese Jewish lawyer born in Galicia who fled from Europe to Australia after the Anschluss, the German annexation of Austria in March 1938, arriving in Australia in 1939 with his family. His memoir titled 'Twice a New Citizen', located in the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, provides the basis for this article. The 180-page document details his life as a child and teenager in Galicia and Vienna, highlights antisemitism, the rise of Nazism and his early bouts of depression, a condition which severely affected the trajectory of his life over the subsequent sixty years. His years in Australia are well documented by Professor Suzanne Rutland, but through his own words, we can gain a better knowledge of his early years and a better understanding of his severe mental illness, enabling a fuller exploration of his life's story and contributions to Sydney Jewry.
Keyword(s)Antisemitism; Nazism; Dr Hans Kimmel; biography; mental illness; Australian Jewish refugees.
Dr Hans Kimmel: 'Twice a New Citizen'
Dr Hans Kimmel: 'Twice a New Citizen'