The Eight Jews of Lark Force: Tragedy and Salvation - The Japanese Invasion of Rabaul, 1942

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 25, 4 (2022)

Author(s) Peter M. Allen AbstractThis article tells the epic and powerful stories of the eight Jewish soldiers of Lark Force: David Bloomfield, Keith Levy, David Selby and Issy Weingott who escaped New Britain after the Japanese invasion of Rabaul in January 1942, while Harry Bernstein, Albert Fernandez, Leslie Pearlman and Herbert Silverman MID did not escape. It seeks to bring to light this forgotten saga, illustrating the terrible suffering and demise, as well as fortitude, of the Australian soldiers who confronted the brutal Japanese forces during World War Two. As exemplified by the experience of these eight men on New Britain, their adversaries included not only the Japanese and their cruelty, but also hunger, exhaustion, disease, volcanoes, tropical jungles, crocodiles, head-hunters and dangerous seas. Of the 1,485 Australians in Lark Force defending Rabaul, tragically 1,093 men did not return. By July 1942, most were victims of either shocking murders or ultimately, the catastrophic sinking of the Montevideo Maru.
Keyword(s)Military History; Second World War; New Britain; Lark Force; Tol massacre; Montevideo Maru
The Eight Jews of Lark Force: Tragedy and Salvation - The Japanese Invasion of Rabaul, 1942
The Eight Jews of Lark Force: Tragedy and Salvation - The Japanese Invasion of Rabaul, 1942