The Second Intifada and the Schism within the Australian Jewish Left: Why and How I Fell Out with The Australian Jewish Democratic Society, 2000-2003

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 25, 3 (2021)

Author(s) Philip Mendes AbstractThe outbreak of the Second Palestinian Intifada in September 2000 caused fissures in the Jewish Left internationally, including the local Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS). This is the personal story of how I fell out politically with the Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) in the period from 2000 to 2003. Using six case vignettes, I demonstrate how AJDS shifted towards a one-sided pro-Palestinian perspective on the Middle East conflict which was unable to accommodate a critical analysis of Palestinian as well as Israeli actions and agendas.
Keyword(s)Australian Jewish Democratic Society; Jewish Left; Second Intifada; Two-State Solution; Suicide Bombings; BDS movement
The Second Intifada and the Schism within the Australian Jewish Left: Why and How I Fell Out with The Australian Jewish Democratic Society, 2000-2003
The Second Intifada and the Schism within the Australian Jewish Left: Why and How I Fell Out with The Australian Jewish Democratic Society, 2000-2003