The Story of our Adventures from Budapest to Sydney on the SS Toscana in 1958: My grandmother's diary

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 25, 2 (2021)

Author(s) Anna Marks AbstractThis is a translation of a travel journal written by my grandmother, Elizabeth Egri, on their journey from Budapest, Hungary, to Sydney in 1958. She provides pertinent observations of the contrast between conditions in Vienna and Communist Budapest and outlines the assistance they and the 30 other Jewish immigrants on board received from the HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) and the Joint in Vienna. She describes the difficult conditions on the SS Toscana which could almost be compared with convict transports to Australia, and their experiences during their stops in Port Said, Aden, Colombo and Perth. She highlights the wonders of these strange lands in as much detail as she can. She discusses the English lessons on board ship provided by the Australian Government, their subsequent arrival in Perth to be greeted and very warmly welcomed by members of the Jewish Community there. She bravely faced the unknown of what life would be like in Sydney and hoped that she would still be of use to her family.
Keyword(s)Hungarian immigration; Hungarian Revolution; Australia; immigrant ships; SS Toscana; HIAS (Hebrew; Immigration Aid Society); American Joint Distribution Committee; Arrow Cross
The Story of our Adventures from Budapest to Sydney on the SS Toscana in 1958: My grandmother's diary
The Story of our Adventures from Budapest to Sydney on the SS Toscana in 1958: My grandmother's diary