Melekh Ravitsh, Yosl Bergner, History, Symbolism, Dreaming and Reality

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 25, 1 (2020)

Author(s) W D Rubinstein AbstractIn Bergner's life, he created a revealing series of paintings about his father's extraordinary Australian adventure. The introduction to that series forms the basis of most that is now written about Ravitsh, although much of it was counterfactual. The son saw the father's quest as a fantasy, but Epstein believes, rather, that it showed a profound understanding of refugee reality. She explores in this article the gaps and the convergences between delusion and fantasy, truth and fiction, dreaming and reality, and the power of symbolism, art and historiography to illuminate these
Keyword(s)Refugees; Immigration; Biography; Territorialism and Zionism; Arts (painting); and Australian art history; Indigenous Australians;
Melekh Ravitsh, Yosl Bergner, History, Symbolism, Dreaming and Reality
Melekh Ravitsh, Yosl Bergner, History, Symbolism, Dreaming and Reality