The Yiddish Theatre in Sydney 1900-1945

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 24, 4 (2020)

Author(s) Peter Keeda AbstractIt has been reported that the first Yiddish theatre in Sydney was performed in 1905; however, no evidence of such performance has been found. A major event for Yiddish theatregoers in Sydney was Jacob Strunim's visit in 1916 and his return in 1929. In the 1930s there was a flurry of Yiddish plays presented in Sydney, mainly by left-wing groups such as the Independent Dramatic Section of Geserd, the Yiddish Literary & Dramatic Society of Sydney and by the Sydney Jewish Youth Theatre. During World War Two, Rachel Holcer and Jacob Waislitz gave occasional recitals in Sydney.
Keyword(s)Yiddish; Theatre; Sydney; Strunim; Waislitz; Holcer [Holzer]
The Yiddish Theatre in Sydney 1900-1945
The Yiddish Theatre in Sydney 1900-1945