An Old Feud Oft-Times Renewed': The Emergence of Orthodox-Liberal Relations in Sydney

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 23, 3 (2017)

Author(s) Maz Rapaport AbstractWorking as a journalist in Sydney after fleeing the Anschluss, Viennese barrister Dr Hans Kimmel wrote a weekly column for the Sydney Jewish press. In one such column, titled 'An Old Feud Oft-Times Renewed', he reported on Orthodox criticisms levelled against Liberal congregations for purportedly marrying Jews who had not been divorced according to Jewish law. Being from Vienna, Kimmel had lived near the epicentre of the century-old debate between the Orthodox and Liberal movements, and upon arriving in Australia, he discovered that such interdenominational disagreements had not yet subsided. The title of his article indicated that conflict typically arose as a result of interaction between the Orthodox and Liberal movements, and that seemingly eternal disputes also transcended geographical boundaries. As will be discussed in this article, the relationship between the two movements, at least in Australia, was soured by the ideological belief that one stream was more 'authentic' than the other.
An Old Feud Oft-Times Renewed': The Emergence of Orthodox-Liberal Relations in Sydney
An Old Feud Oft-Times Renewed': The Emergence of Orthodox-Liberal Relations in Sydney