Pinchas Goldhar Remembered

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 23, 3 (2017)

Author(s) W D Rubinstein AbstractPinchas Goldhar (1901-47) was born in Lodz, Poland and, after graduating from Warsaw University he worked for a Yiddish newspaper in his native city and translated works into Yiddish. In 1926, together with his widowed father, brother, and sister, he migrated to Melbourne, where his father established a business as a dyestuffs merchant in Carlton, Jacob Goldhar & Sons, of which he was a partner. From 1928-31 he became editor of the first Yiddish newspaper in Australia, the Yiddishe Naies. Goldhar began to write stories and commentaries in Yiddish and English. He became part of a circle of Progressive writers and intellectuals in Melbourne. The circle included such figures as the artist Yosl Bergner and the author Judah among local Jews, and non-Jewish leftist intellectuals like Vance and Nettie Palmer, Brian Fitzpatrick, Noel Counihan, and Vic O'Connor. Goldhar died at the age of only 46, of heart disease and diabetes. Since his death has achieved an enhanced reputation as probably the foremost Australian Jewish writer of his time.
Pinchas Goldhar Remembered
Pinchas Goldhar Remembered