Jewish Life Appears to be Frozen, Static, Like a Puppet Play': Pinchas Goldhar's Struggle for Yiddish Cultural Authenticity in Australia

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 23, 3 (2017)

Author(s) Pam Maclean AbstractPinchas Goldhar (1901-47) arrived in Australia in 1926 from Poland. A committed Yiddishist writer and active journalist in Poland, he found life in Australia confronting. He had abandoned a flourishing cultural world where he felt himself at the centre of a resurgent Yiddish literary scene for what he regarded as the stultifying environment of the Melbourne Jewish community. Goldhar's earliest publications in Poland consisted of experimental poetry, and his description of readings by the young Yiddish poets Peretz Markish (1895-1952) and Melech Ravitch (1893-1976) that he had attended just five years before his migration provides insight into the cultural milieu that was now relegated to memory:
Jewish Life Appears to be Frozen, Static, Like a Puppet Play': Pinchas Goldhar's Struggle for Yiddish Cultural Authenticity in Australia
Jewish Life Appears to be Frozen, Static, Like a Puppet Play': Pinchas Goldhar's Struggle for Yiddish Cultural Authenticity in Australia