The Falk library tug-of-war

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 22, 4 (2016)

Author(s) Helen Bersten AbstractRabbi Leib Falk was a book collector and bibliophile. His collection held 16th century censored books as well as a 12th century Talmud printed in 1644. In 1954 the Great Synagogue purchased the library of about 4000 items for 3000 pounds, and later the libraries of Rabbi Cohen and Rev. Einfeld were incorporated into the collection. After much discussion the Sydney University was prepared to house, maintain and preserve the library on a permanent basis. However after an exhibition held between December 2010 and February 2011, it was decided that the Great Synagogue retain the Falk Library for another 45 years
The Falk library tug-of-war
The Falk library tug-of-war