The 'Australia First' circle and their 'reasoned case against Semitism', 1936-42

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 21, 3 (2013)

Author David Bird Abstract'Australia First' was a Sydney-based intellectual anti-Semitic movement influenced by figures such as Ezra Pound. This article gives a biography of P. R. Stephenson, and examines his 1940 'Quarterly' article 'A reasoned case against Semitism'. Also looks at the role of the Sydney monthly 'The Publicist', and looks at the arguments these publications had with newly arrived Jewish European intellectuals in the WWII period.
The 'Australia First' circle and their 'reasoned case against Semitism', 1936-42
The 'Australia First' circle and their 'reasoned case against Semitism', 1936-42