A Shtetl in Ek Velt (A Shtetl at the End of the World): 54 Stories of Growing Up in Jewish Carlton 1925-1945

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 21, 1 (2012)

Author(s) Pam Maclean AbstractBook Review: the book also represents a useful source for those wanting to gain a nuanced understanding of the history of Jewish Carlton before 1945, especially because of its clear delineation of three quite distinctive groups of Jewish migrants who found their way there.
A Shtetl in Ek Velt (A Shtetl at the End of the World): 54 Stories of Growing Up in Jewish Carlton 1925-1945
A Shtetl in Ek Velt (A Shtetl at the End of the World): 54 Stories of Growing Up in Jewish Carlton 1925-1945