Hermaann Deutsch, pioneer Ballarat engraver and lithographer

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 20, 1 (2010)

Author(s) Thomas Darragh AbstractIn May 1858 the first lithographic printing office was established in Ballarat when the Ballarat Star newspaper reported that a Mr Deutsch had opened a lithographic printing-office adjoining their own. It reported that he practised his art according to a patent taken out by himself whereby he useda sharp needle to engrave the stone then followed the process with some chemical application. The Mr Deutsch was Hermann Deutsch, a native of Gleiwitz in Upper Silesia, Prussia. Very little is known of Deutsch's background other than he was Jewish, born about 1832, was an engraver by profession, and arrived in Melbourne aboard the Sussex from London on 4 January 1857. The article provides information about Deutsch's business interests, gives examples of his highly-skilled printing work in Ballarat and mentions his membership of the Ballarat Hebrew Congregation, how he sold his business to his employee F W Niven and became a mining speculator, eventually suffering heavy losses and becoming insolvent. There is further information about F W Niven and his business ventures and how his success was due to the foundations that Deutsch had laid down.
Hermaann Deutsch, pioneer Ballarat engraver and lithographer
Hermaann Deutsch, pioneer Ballarat engraver and lithographer