Jewish scholarship in Sydney between the wars, parts I and II

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 19, 4 (2010)

Author(s) Raymond Apple AbstractThis is a 2 part article examining Jewish scholarship in Sydney in the interwar period. Part 1 discusses the historian Jack (Jacob) Michael Myers (1882-1932) who wrote the 3 volume 'History of the Jewish People', with volumes 2 and 3 being written in Sydney. Jack Myer's early life in London is set out before his life in Sydney, where he died aged 49, is recounted. Part 2 deals with the 5 volume English translation of Rashi's Chumash by Aaron Blashki and Louis Joseph of Sydney (known as 'the Blashki Humash' in Australia). This work was merged with a similar work by Dr Abraham Silbermann and Rev Morris Rosenbaum of London to produce the published edition. Both the lives of Blashki and Joseph, as well as the work itself, is discussed.
Jewish scholarship in Sydney between the wars, parts I and II
Jewish scholarship in Sydney between the wars, parts I and II