The Montefiore Homes. 150 Years of Care

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 15, 1 (1999)

Author(s) Rodney Benjamin AbstractBook Review: How to compress the 150-year history of the Melbourne Jewish Philanthropic Society (MPS) and the Montefiore Homes into just 190 pages of text was the daunting task that faced Dr Buckrich. It was not made easier by the absence of MJPS minute books for the 53 years between 1862 and 1915. Despite these obstacles the history of the `Monty' Homes is engagingly told. Buckrich tells the story of the foundation of MJPS in 1848, the first `philanthropic' society in Melbourne.
The Montefiore Homes. 150 Years of Care
The Montefiore Homes. 150 Years of Care